Sunday, August 25, 2013

My dreams just got wilder

"Stand by your man..." and that's all she wrote. I can't remember any other words to that Dolly Parton song but BOY did it ring in my head the whole night trough... I like Dolly <3 I wonder if Dolly Wood is still up and running?

I also had this really long dream about diving. Equipments and all. I got a very precise and technical lecture from honey (under water) about the way the air is filtered in my "no bubbles - no troubles" system and how the CO is also recycled and re-used...

I was amazed of how much information can be spoken out and still not drown in the gushing sound of the sea and my breathing and all those colourful littel fishes swimming right past us... oh, they were so cute with the coral and laughing seaturtles and all :)

I do get some exercise done at nights as well... a few nights ago I was part of a Russian ice skating school. I had been hand picked from a line of crappy skaters (I suck, I know it) and taken to this huge skiing resot in the Alps (I think I've been watching too many old Bond movies again). We were give lectures about proper skating tecniques and the we were asked to show our skates. Every one else had these super cool "twin skates": skates with two blades, one under the heal and the other under the toes. They coul remove the blades and change their angle and tightness and how they flex with the shoe... I had the same old crappy skates I used as a child in school. My mother used to own them. They were OLD and soft and NOT sharp. The teachers didn't care about my skates. They just said: "ok, now go out and Skate."

Sometimes I go to stores in my dreams. Sometimes I get into trouble at the cash register. Like last time I had a dream about (almost) buying bread. This guy got infront of me. Just walked there for no reason. Blocked me and started paying for HIS stupid stuff!!! How rude!! He had a very UGLY wolly shirt, puffy hair, a wanna be -beard and a stupid nasal voice when he said: "oh, I'm sorry. Did I block you... äääh, you were too slow, äääh, I'm here now so just live with it..." 
I felt like ripping his shirt off and stabbing him with my French loaf!
But I just calmly said: "sir, you are an abomination to humanity. Get the f*ck out of my way and take you stupid shirt and change with you. I have been coming to this store for years now and I KNOW that this specific clerk CAN'T count. So don't think that you'll get the right amount of money back and DON'T think that I'll let this be. You are in MY way and YOU are about to MOVE!" He disappeared into empty air. Stupid shirt and all.
I woke up and felt a bit crazy. I don't usually loose my temper like that in my dreams (and never in real life) but that guy was SO irritating :( 

...stupid shirt.


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