Friday, July 5, 2013


I'm running 3 HIITs a week now.
It's about the only way I wake up... I'm thinking about starting all those other mornings with a yoga session. Maybe it will wake me up as well? I need to get a new CD for that. It won't work if I'm watching the news or listening to the radio at the same time :(
I have a CD with dolphings singing (or what ever). I don't think it'll work. I need something new and "deep".

It takes me almost 2 hours from bed to the office and I only have a 15 min ride by car. Sure, sometimes I forget to cook my meals and I have to make them in the morning but !Hello! I hardly use make up, I wear what I find on the floor and my hair... can I even call it hair when it's just a area of long fur located on the top of my head...

My dreams have been a bunch of commercials of other Better dreams seen in other peoples heads... I guess. It's like a collage of trailers and no links to the ticked office. Mrrr... Maybe my carb loading will fix this bug in my entertainment center?

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