Wednesday, July 31, 2013


911: "911, what is your emergency?"
Me: "I... I think I raped myself..."
911: "Ok. Whas it a leg day?"
Me: "Yes."
911: "Did your PT tell you to do it?"
Me: "Yes."
911: "Do you think you'll live?"
Me: "Maybe... I think so."
911: "Good. Do it again next weekend and trust your PT. ;)"
Me: "Yeah! :D"
sweat to the second power

LPG @ Kouvola Meditiimi

full body sock :P

I've been going to LPG to recover from some of my workouts (it's just SOOOOO much more fun than the normal massage...). I wear this sock and the maschine vacuums me. Well there is a physioterapist there... Voilà! It tickles and sometimes even hurts, but it doesn't feel bad. Not like your usual massage sadists ;)
I'm gonna be a massage sadist some day. I've already got my foot in the door...

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Oh, there's my bikini

almost ready
I'm quite done with my clear chrystals... next I'll add some light green and yellow ones to fill the gaps and to give it some more "personality".

Had an arm day...
I just ate my last meal of the day and I'm hungry again :)
Empty calories in those eggs I guess ;)

I'm hoping for some crazy dreams. It's leg day tomorrow!! I need some ZING in my step! :D

The moon
 I had a dream about protein powder.

I was standing around in the street holding this huge, green sack full of soy protein. In real life I'm not that fond of the taste but I keep a small supply just in case I run out of all my better stuff (like this morning… if I don't get my shipment today, I'm stuck with that soy crap for a while). Praying… Well, in my dream I held that bag, looked at its table of contents and heard a voice behind me. A man's voice said: "…To make things BIG like the right testicle of the Moon…" o_O


Oh boy, was I scared to look up into the sky! But I did. The moon was up, all bright and yellowish. And hanging beneath it was… nothing! Oh thank goodness.

What a weird dream.

Monday, July 29, 2013

The Rock

I do love a good foot massage...
What would you pay to get it from Dwayne Johnson?
You'll feel better when you here how it went...
Last night was a nice night for odd dreams. Mostly I just rode around on a black ducati in a Skandinavian, large city. It all ended with a foot massage by Mr. Johnson. I was lying around on my belly, reading a Swedish Body mag when he came behind me and grabbed me by my ankles. He bent my knees so that my toes were pointing up and just gently rocked my feet front and back, front and back. Ever so gently. Gosh it felt good!! Then I woke up. The darn alarm sure picks its moments. :D

Going offline...

I'm thinking about shutting down a lot of my networks. Just 'till the shows are over. I'll keep this blog up for sure! But others like Facebook and other "stupid" stuff can just dry up for a while... I already stopped reading everyone elses blogs last week (EXCEPT Mr. Mika Nyyssölä at hihii, he's so much Fun!).

I'm just taking a breather. I don't feel like reading about how someone ate a banana or how little they have energy left or if they feel good or bad or what color their shit was this morning... I just don't wanna know!!!

I'll get back to all that stuff after I'm done with MY stuff :) ...oh, I am allowed to read my own blog too.

Here's a pic of "red on red"  a couple of mornings back.

Yes, I have a thing for Sweden...
We found this huge bull yesterday by the sea shore. "Voima sonni" I believe it was called. Those are steps going up to it's chest, you can climb in.
Hamina city's big balls


Uuh, I got stuck in this fucking shirt but HEY, here's that picture of abs that I've been trying to add...
home alone and STUCK! :D

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Jellyfish pancakes

I made pancakes last night. Bill Cosby was there to tell me HOW and WHY. HAH! :D
Gosh, he talked and talked and talked and did all those things he did in the show (you know, thoes funny things that he's known for...).

He wanted me to fold the pancakes up like springrolls (very thin, lace like pancakes!). So I did. Every one of them. They were like little pockets and we took them to the table and all the Cosby children would gather around and scoop red jam in to them and eat them with sugar... I got nothing :(
But I got to spend quality time with BILL! Nice! :D

I've had two VERY SAD dreams. They are almost alike... maybe my mind is trying to tell me something?

Dream 1: a small alligator is caught with a net, some women in a small Amazon village take him out, they talk and laugh together and they show no respect to the animal. The alligator turns to them and clearly tries to say "don't kill me, let me go". But no. The women (biches) keep talking to each other and stab the alligator on the head and start skinning it before it's dead. They skin him all "wrong" and ruin his beautiful skin. Stupid women! I hate them! I woke up crying.

Dream 2: I'm swimming under water. I was told to look into the eyes of dolphins. More then 20 dolphins are floating around near the bottom of white sand. They just "swim" there, close to each other, facing the bottom and I look in to their eyes. Beatiful, big eyes with dark rings around them that work as a way to tell them apart. Like different tattoos. They talk to each other and something startles them. They swim away faster than I can follow... I'm caught in something. It's a big, blue plate and I can't move. I'm lifted from the sea and I'm lying flat on my side. I can see Portuguese men talking to each other, laughing and chatting. They keep repeating the words "juupa-jaapa". I can't understand why they are letting me die here. I try to look in to their eyes and beg but they don't care. They think it's interesting to see how I dry up. I die as a jellyfish. I woke up crying again.

Fucking dreams! Can't eat anything and innocent things keep dying for NOTHING!

I did go to my favorite (BIG) library last night too... It's even bigger now than before! Someone's been renovating? I didn't go to the comic or astronomy areas this time ;) I looked aroud for a book by Sigmund Freud. A book about dreams. Didn't find it.

I went to a book store in real life today. They were fresh out of Freud!! Misery...


I spent a while testing how the glue works with the swarowskis and my bikinis... it works Great when I leave my fingers there too... I dressed a packed sleeping bag (it's about the size of a Big, Fat cat) with my bottom half and did some tests. Tomorrow I'll see how well it dried and how badly the crystals want to fly off when I squeeze myself in to it (first I'll undress the sleeping bag of course).

It was leg day today.
I tried something new for recovery. I stepped into a small room that was -112C cold. Now THAT is cold :D
Me and my friend Ms. R. spent about 3 minutes there and it sure was nice to feel the "hellish cold licking your every part". I know I've said that I hate cold things and cold weather, YES I still do! But you have to do what you have to to recover from a long and hard LEG DAY! ;) I think I'll go again after my first show week end. It's not very cheap and we did have to drive all the way to Haikko Manor

Here's more about the Super cold
Swedish ice hockey hat kept me warm <3
Go for it people! If we had wanted to, we could have stood there (in Hell) for 5 min!

Flat back

Yep, not alot of pump left in me...
tired and shh-haky

I had the Best posing that day (T-walks and all), maybe this is my lucky hat now? It's a Swedish helicopter firm... "something-something"... can't remember. It's on the hat. 
I'm testing out a new product. It's said to be tasty... I reminded me of a melting pear icecream. Quite nice :) My stomach loved it and it doesn't make me yawn, so it's a keeper! ;)
I got it from

Here's Billy!

Bill the recovery banana was quite tasty... He was the last one.
No more will follow in his slip steps. Well maybe after the shows are over but for now it's just a protein shake for me...

Yes, Bill liked to party. He had a rainbow sticker that got him in to any club in town. Bad banana ;)

Friday, July 26, 2013

Ben and buddy

It was +12 degrees this morning. Hot, hot, HOT J
I found a little, tired worker outside the door when I left to start my day with HIIT. I guess it got tired and just slept at "the bar" for the night?
For some reason - unknown to me - all my morning HIITs have gotten a lot easier… Nice! I can start running up the hill a lot sooner (it used to do two walks and 3-4 runs). I'm actually running all my HIIT spurts and it doesn't even feel hard. I'm quite happy with this, quite happy indeed ;)

After the competitions I don't think I'll find it interesting anymore to get up and run up a hill at 6 am. Maybe I'll HIIT up my mornings on the weekends but keep them in the evenings or after my workouts during the week? We'll see. I think I could keep this blog up even after this fall is over and winter starts to push its cold fingers up my skirt… brrr, I don't like cold things. I don't even have AC in my car. But I do have a cute sunroof!
The recovery banana of the day is Ben. He had a small accident when I separated him from his lover Bill (he's tomorrow's recovery banana. I'll tell more about him tomorrow). I think he had some kind of a "snap-accident", he hasn't spoken since the breakup… Must be in shock? He and Bill had a complicated and fast engagement: grabbed in a hurry from the store, thrown in the back of a car and then again tossed around and laid to rest beside a bunch of GRAPEFRUITS! (Auts, sorry about that.) So he's going to be a bit lobotomized 'till I finish him off after my back work out.
My diet is going really well. I feel energized and fresh most of the time. Yesterday I got a bit zombie--ish when the clerk at the postal service couldn't get her things straight and I could just FEEL the energy flowing out of my body and mind. Or maybe it was just sweat. My dinner was still in the store and I hadn't even showered yet… gosh, she took forever just to lift my package (of supplements) out of her shelve and in to my arms. I even dropped that darn box 2 times before I got it opened and I wasn't even surprised to see that I had ordered stuff (over a week ago) that I had already bought from a store 'cause: 1) I had forgotten that I had ordered them, 2) I got sick of waiting for them.
I tried to take a cool "morning tummy" pic this morning but it seems that I can't make anything pop. I'm getting empty but I still have power left in me. So no cool pics in the morning but maybe I'll get my phone to take some pics of my "empty back" at the gym. Gosh, it must look like a flat canvas by now! :D

Thursday, July 25, 2013

B. Boys

My last week with "the recovery banana" is getting shorter... I'll name all of my last bananas and make them a different hat.
Today it's Bob's turn to feed my body after my workout.
Bob's a banana with a lazy life style.

Bob doesn't give a crap. I left him in the car this morning and all he did was get all mushy and brown -ish... but he sure smells sweet.
Bob is OK. He wanted to be picked up by a trucker and taken to the outskirts of Scandinavia… maybe Norway. But all he got was a short ride in a Z4 in a training shoe and saved from a sure self-combustion only to be taken to a gym floor... Today it's: Arm day, stretches, poses and Recovery Bob (+ protein shake)!  

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Sky trains and cafes

Lots of trains last night… They all ran on time and I didn't get run over and I didn't lose my tickets either… good J
I hung around Ruoholahti. It's in the southern parts of Helsinki by the sea. There are no sky trains there for real but I keep seeing them in my dreams. I've never been on a real sky train (if you don't count rollercoasters) I've only seen them on TV or movies. I like them. I like the idea of tracks running -high- through a big city and cars metros and other things all existing on different layers. Aaah, everything is in its own place. So organized… J
Most of the buildings are just huge (really high), gray blocks with small cafes on the ground floor. (In real life they are mostly glass and metal and full on hairdressers, cafes, offices and dull firms). Large ventilation tubes and some sort of gas tubes zigzag along the surface of the buildings. They look like thick veins that move air and gas in and out the building while bulky air vents on the top of the building suck in fresh air and filter it to its users… There is always a very lively network of streets and small parks under the bridges. Road crossings for pedestrians are marked with red signs and red paint on the ground. Why red? I don't know. I guess I just like the color. I've never seen any real accidents in my dreams involving pedestrians crossing streets.     
I use both escalators and stairs in my dreams. Sometimes the dream loops with the escalator so that I go on it again and again, I see new people and new signs and stand differently every time. Sometimes the dream just takes me to a new train or an airport but last night -like I said- I hung around town.
The stores I go to always start with the candy shelves. The scent of toffee and licorice makes me crazy and I pick out bags of that stuff. Then I usually head for the bread section and dive in to all that white pleasure… aaah, bread... fresh bread. I took a huge loaf of wheat bread covered in flour and grabbed a whole grilled chicken (dripping with oil and seasonings) with herbs stuffed up its ass and a good, dry sparkling wine. Oh baby, I'm gonna be happy!
I never got to the cash register.
I found myself outside the store again. They had just closed. I walked over to some of the cafes and looked at the ready meals: Grilled pork, reindeer, ox and chicken, fresh salads, different paellas and deep fried seafood… potatoes in at least ten different ways; grilled, steamed, mashed, fried… aaah. I ordered some meat with veggies and a Mediterranean salad on the side. I also had a huge strawberry smoothie and a slice of pineapple with some ice cream and pungent sauce. Uuh. I took all of it to a small, round, orange table and looked at it.
I never got to eat any of it.
Stupid dreams.

Today I have to take a rest day. Just poses and stretching.
I think I'll go to the track and do my stretches outside. I have maybe a month or two left 'till the weather turns to crap around here.

Monday, July 22, 2013

The last one is always the last one

waiting sucks
Just 15 more minutes and I can start cooking....
Every night the last meal get all the shit... it's too small, it's too late, it's too slow, it's too this and that and when it's gone it went too quickly :D

Thank goodness it's just one jump away from breakfast <3

If I didn't eat these small, slow eggie thingies I wouldn't have what I have as easily as I have it... I couldn't get it as fast as I've gotten it... I love this life ;)

Burlesque vs Bodybuilding

It wasn't the best day but I made it through a good, HARD work out...

Firts of all my bra is too big now... it keeps falling off and not doing what it's supposed to do, "braing". Also my shirt was my "sleepy-nam-nam" shirt... That means I forgot to take my gymshirt and top with me to work. It also means that I wore my nightclothes to work, HAH. :) I had the wrong socks = kept falling off. (I threw them in the trash at home.) My hair got so electric that it kept going in my nose and flying around my head... Damn hair! Get sweaty or get out!

So I kept flashing my boobs (or what's left of 'em) at old cops who were at the gym with me and blowing my hair around with my lips so that I looked like a anteater most of my sets. Stupid day. I should think about going into some sort of show business later on in life... it didn't even feel odd to flash around... I've done nude art before but maybe burlesque could be a nice thing to try when all this fitness stuff gets too hard and boring? ;)

STILL! Like a good girl I got through my shoulder work out, had fun with my abs for a while and did some "feel good" poses and T-walks :) I felt good, days are getting a bit harder and I am tired every day but everything feels good and healthy :)

smile or get out... ;)

Sunday, July 21, 2013

800 squats

I was given a choice last night. Either I do a long, brutal work out for my shoulders and back or I do 800 squats.
In real life I've just had a back day AND chest and shoulder work outs so in my dream I went for the squats.
I don't get it... even if I do 10 sets of 10 reps I still have 700 reps left... 800 squats will take forever? What kind of work out could that be? Sounds like Han Moo Do. A Korean martial art I used to love practicing years ago.
Even if i only used 50kilos of weight I would still be lifting it 800 times so that makes... mmm, 40 000kg? What was the point in that dream:
Even small steps lead to the top of a huge hill... :)

Saturday, July 20, 2013

The biggest cock on Reeperbahn

I feel blind sometimes... looking at the mirror, trying to remember how things were, how they are now, how I look... I feel blind sometimes. It's a good thing my PT knows me and shows me how things really are :)

Right eye: blue, left eye: green
I tried out some competition makeup ideas today... I'm going with the green eyes :)
My bikini is over a week late now but when I get it I'm sure it'll go really well with my green makeup. I still have to glue all those millions of cute little gems on the bikini ... I wish it was here already.

So I paid for my two bottles of Jantana (I used Biancaneve's web store)... and all I got in the mail was ONE! FRELL!!! I got so angry that it almost spoiled my work out (and day).... murrrr, I took that "hate" and used it to my benefit and had a crazy work out. HAH! In your face, Mr. Bad luck!!! I sent the firm a short e-mail and told them to send me my stuff, Now. I hope they answer me on Monday. First thing in the morning. I hate it when people make small mistakes like that.

Tomorrow I'm going to Lahti again. I don't know what kind of work out I'll get. It's a PT-day. All I know it's going to be GOOD :) After the work out we get a "lecture" on competing and someone is getting a tan. It's going to be so-ooo cool. :)

Last night I went to Reeperbahn (again). I saw the place this summer but now I went in my dreams. In real life we saw that street that's off limits to "normal women". In my dream I was walking on that street. I didn't get it. That street is weird. There was nothing special about it. Just cheap women in under wear and small roosters running around and having small cock fights here and there. I looked at one a bit longer. He had a huge wattle, he was mostly black in color and he had "small flames" in his eyes. I took a step towards him. Something suddenly stopped me. It was like I was stopped from afar. Another rooster was looking at me. He had a big, blue, rock&roll "hairdo", he was mostly white but had blood red wing tips. He turned his head a bit side ways, like he was wondering about me, about my motives for being on that street. He knew I didn't belong there. Very slowly I walked over to him and gently picked him up. His claws were like on a hawk or an eagle but he didn't hurt me at all! He felt warm and small when he leaned his head to my breasts and listened to my heart for a small while. I knew I picked up the right cock on that street. I picked up the biggest cock in the neighborhood. ;)

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Dude, where's my bikini?

I went to a "ladies gym" last night. Listened to my own music (can't take that radio shit they play over there) and kept it real: Quads and calves + poses.
Sweat, sweat and örrrgh-purrg… I must have been a horrible/dirty sight for some of the ladies over there 'cause I really didn't care about moaning and groaning in my last reps. I'll go again, next year.
We watched a Japanese gore movie last night. Samurai Princess… cool. Ok. Fun J Japanese <3 I must find more later this year. I'm sure they're better after two glasses of wine ;)

Last night was a nice run through about a competition gone wrong… In real life I've been making lists, week schedules and thinking well ahead. Well I had all these papers in my dream too. I had just forgotten to print them! F***!
It was competition day already. I don't know who packed the bags but I hope we had everything. We were at the competition "palace" and people were starting to arrive. I was 2 hours away from stage time and I was still in my normal morning clothes. I saw some girls who had their makeup and colors on and others who only had a good tan. The rules had changes again and every one was allowed to have 1-3 helpers back stage. I brought my husband, my bikini maker and her best friend who I've never seen before… (In real life you can't bring anyone, you have to be in a team and the team will get a small number of backstage cards depending on how many people they have competing. And you can't have a male helper back stage if you are a girl and vice versa.)
Well, then it starts. First I notice that I'm quite late for everything. No makeup, no color, and no loose clothes to wear over my bikini… shit, I think I even forgot my JanTana home!? I went through my luggage and felt a bit stupid because my PT had told me that certain things must always be the first to pack. You DO NOT forget your "stage stuff". None of my "helpers" seemed to think I was in a hurry. I had to push them in to a shower room to start coloring me. They walked SOOOOO slow and while I took off my clothes they had disappeared? L As if that wasn't bad enough I took my clothes off in front of a window and some smelly old drunk kept staring at me, winked and gave me the thumbs up. I gave him a "V", got away from the windows and wondered where my helpers went.
I found my JanTana in a pink shampoo bag and my bikini was in a paper bag. …well, it didn't help much. I had forgotten to glue on the crystals. I only had a few crystals here and there and the top bit was torn!? Aaargh. I started to slap on some of the color but I forgot to put on rubber gloves. Auts. I'll have stupid hands for days. I tried rubbing my hands on mu tummy to get most of the color off. I looked for gloves in my bags and all around the room… I got everything covered in self tan L the shower room looked like a shit storm had passed through. Oh no!
Then, FINALLY, my helpers came back and left the door open so that anyone could walk/look in from the street (yep, it was a weird shower room). Me:"Where were you?" Them:"Mr. Big man came. Bull Mentula is here. We wanted to see him and just look at him." Me:"Great… do you mind helping me out before I make a bigger mess out myself?"
I don't know how the dream was supposed to end but today I'm printing out every paper I've made just so I won't forget to pack my stuff and that I'll be on time and ready J

Oh, I went to the dentist this morning. No, nothing fell out or exploded. She just told me to keep brushing my teeth 2 times a day and to keep flossing more.
FYI: that dental chair is soooooo comfortable, mmm-m, I could just sleep in it for hours... :)

...and no. I still haven't gotten my bikini. The lady is sick but I think I'll call her friend and ask about it. Today.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Here's the key: Velocity

Going up?

The view down from the first light pole...

The weather's been good to me. Every morning that I've gone to "my hill" I've had a beautiful morning and only a fat red cat or a huge brown hare have been on their morning joggs.

Monday, July 15, 2013


Mayor's Gym, Helsinki
 Jep... It's here. 6 meals a day and you would think that I'm happy... nop'?
I'm hungry from about 2pm to 9pm. At least on rest days.
They are the worst.

I forgot my EAAs at home this morning so I spent my lunch hour in the car getting them :)

I had the MOST horrid dream about teeth last night! I actually DID THINK that it was real... brrrr iiik. Horrible.

In my dream I was standing in front of a mirror at home an just feeling around my teeth with my tongue. I think a dental palce had fallen out or that I've just chipped a piece of my molar on a piece of chicken bone or something.. Suddenly I could feel more and more little pieces of tooth in my mouth and I ran in to the toilet. Several teeth and bits of teeth fell out of my mouth on the floor and I could feel all my teeht cracking and sliding out of their places! Aargh. I couldn't believe this! A small dog came from behind me, snuffed at the teeth and looked at me with sorry eyes. I still thought that IT WAS ALL REAL! I looked back at the mirror and smiled with no teeth. My lips kept going in side my mouth because they had no teeth to support them. I was so unhappy :( I knew I could fix this with dentures or something but then my gums began to swell! Huge light pink gums bloating out of my face with dark purple holes on them where my teeth used to be :( I looked like a bad balloontoy.

Aargh, I was still so deep in my dream that I was trying to fix things by cleaning up the mess (half blind behind my swollen face) and thinking if I could just call a dentist and get some help tomorrow...

I don't know what woke me up. Maybe it was the dog. We don't have dogs. Or maybe it was the reality of feeling teeth in my mouth that redirected my mind back to reality...

Friday, July 12, 2013

Mika Nyyssölä

Mika Nyyssölä - giant killer - ;)

He makes me laugh.
In a good way!
He also makes me try new things and helps me to keep things "focused but not too serious"...

He's one of the Best!

I made myself a T-shirt with this picture on it and the words
Mika Nyyssölä:
The most erotic face in the world
(my shirt is in Finnish so it goes:
Mika Nyyssölä:
Maailman eroottisin ilme)

I hope he'll forgive me if he ever sees me with this shirt on...
I do love his expressions :)

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

High Intensity Rest day

Yesterday was rest day… well that's all there is to that. I got hungry like a horse on the moon and fell asleep after my supper.
Last night I went to several different places.  Around 2am I had a bad dream about an old dog being covered with wet, French, greenish newspapers and sitting outside on a rock in the cold and snow. I went to look at him and I remember wishing it wasn't a dog but a baboon. I pulled the wet papers off the thing and it was one of my old dogs! He was very happy to see me and I took him inside to get warm. I knew the people who lived there would not like it but I didn't care…
Later the same night I was fixing a railroad track on a very small wooden bridge with a bottle of hair conditioner ("for stronger and healthier hair"). I also wiped the snow of the tracks ever so lightly… I only removed about 5cm of snow on the inner side of the track and made sure that the snow was as pure white as it could. I got up and wondered if the train will be on time. I wasn't worried about getting hit. I was sure I'd hear it. I climbed down from the bridge and walked to the side of the track. Suddenly the train was already there! Pushing through the snow the gust of wind and shock threw me on my back. It sure was on time but it was electric. It practically hovered over the tracks as if flew by…
Just before I woke up I took a bunch of kids to the mall with my car. I was doing them a favor and didn't think much of it. It got a bit weird when they started filling out papers and asking about my car all the time. The little wankers wanted to buy my car!? I said I won't sell but they kept filling out the papers and said "we'll see". Just then four men with machine guns appeared to the far side of the parking lot and started shooting in the air. I looked in my jacked and saw a Heckler & Koch MP5. Just for a moment I thought about defending my car but I shouted to the crouching kids "Get in the car. We're getting out of here!" I jumped in the driver's seat and slammed the door. The men were on my side of the car about a hundred meters away. Suddenly Mr. Patrick Stewart ( ) sat down next to me. WTF I he doing here?! I tell him to please let the others get in too (my car has only 2 doors, but the back seat takes 3). "No" he said. WTFingF? "Mr. Patrick Stewart!" I was nearly yelling "I'm the driver, I can't get up again." "No." he replied. Me: "You are the number one captain of the Starship Enterprise for me. Please help these people get in the car." Him: "Ok." So I drove off with a back seat filled with idiots screaming like monkeys, car full of bullet holes and me trying to keep my cool and not have a Trekkie moment in front of Mr. Stewart who seemed strangely calm. Maybe he just needed a ride anyway.
Later, after we got rid of the idiots and I left my car at the shop, Mr. Stewart and I were walking in a city of sand. The sun was hot and the sky was light blue. There was fine sand everywhere and it got in to every little thing you can imagine. A small gust of wind kept the sand moving in our feet and Mr. S. said "Nnggh, this stuff really gets in your nose doesn't it?" I looked at him and saw that he had a ring of wet sand around his left nostril. I agreed: "If we're going to stay here for long we should probably stop trimming our nose hairs."

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The world is here too...

my phone sure pics its moments to not work right ;)

just a sec before my phone fell off the bench :D

jep, not a lot to see here but a good base to build and build and to enjoy the work...

Aliens and white horses

HIIT jumped up to 4 times a week now. Good for me. That only leaves 3 mornings when I'll have a hard time waking up. My PT said that it's OK to wake up on "an empty morning" a bit earlier and do some stretches or yoga or whatever… I'm sure it will be easier to make it through these last weeks if I don't sleep late and make my mornings into "dude, where's my car, coffee, clothes, bra, hairclip, life…"
In case you were wondering I train at my coach's gym in Lahti and at work. The gym we have at work is really big and mostly empty so it's easy to move around and do giant sets. They also have a mirror wall so I can train my walks and poses. Most of the other trainers are used to seeing me after my work out prancing around in high heels and smiling like I just saw my Honey Babe walk in through the door. Lahti is several times better but it takes an hour to drive there. In the summer and around the summer months it's a nice change to drive to Lahti but in the winter when the temperature drops to -24C … brrr… It's horrible to wake up my poor little car outside the gym and Pray that he's still alive enough to get me home. It's not JUST the cold but the DARKNESS too. It's just not my thing. I like darkness when it's warm. I don't like cold things touching me… winter's a bitch.
Working out alone isn't something I would call progressive. Even if I do have a lot of free space and weights it's still a hell of a lot effective to have at least SOME ONE there to be your "safety boy" or just to keep the feeling of "competion".
Last night I went to a dark, windy planet. It had two moons, huge gas moons. One a bit yellow and the other was pure white. As I was looking at the sky whispers of warm swirly winds touched my cheek. It felt like someone stroked my cheek with the softest gloves I've ever felt and I turned to see if anyone was behind me. Huge statues of black rock and melted metal stood all around me. It was like a forest of 3-5m statues. Once dynamic but petrified at some point for whatever reason… I tried to remember who I was with. I was sure I came with a crew of some sort. Marines maybe? No. Soldiers… I'm sure. But where are they? I looked up at the moons again and saw it. I had seen that silhouette a hundred times before. Sometimes in the streets of Helsinki, other times in office buildings and dark elevators. One even on a large space freighter that I was helping to maintain (by huge I mean it was the size of Central park). Alien.
Its long head arched beautifully against the sky and formed almost a picture perfect still-life with the moons behind it. Its back was turned to me so I couldn't know if he knew I was there or not. A part of me admired the moment. I didn't recognize him (I had a pet alien at one point). He looked small and lonely. Then he turned his head. No eyes, but I knew he saw me. Slowly the mouth opened and I saw the teeth. I could see his head a lot better now. He had a "royal" head. He wasn't one of the drones that I was used to seeing. The moon light shimmered on the bumps and horns of his head and he started to move towards me. I didn't move. I just stood there like an idiot. I could just stop the dream but I wanted to see…
The earth shook. The metal in the statues held but the black rock cracked and exploded under the pressure. Soldiers started running to me from all directions; they were yelling orders to each other and forming a shield around me. The alien attacked one of them. He just pulled the soldier from the ring and held on to him. "Looked" at him and hugged him so that he couldn't move. No shots were fired. We just looked. The soldier fell asleep. I woke up. I felt odd. I wanted to be the one that got held by the alien.
I did my best to get back in to that same dream but the planet had changed. I was back on earth. Well back on OUR moon. I saw a pair of horse's hoofs. They kicked the light dust of the moon's surface and I looked up. Two white horses on the moon. They didn't have any oxygen tanks or masks. Only these two, slimy, pulsating, orange parasites on their necks. About the size of my palm. I looked past the horses and saw a space station. It looked a bit like moon base Alfa (TV series in the 70's). One of the horses was feeling faint so he leaned against a hill. The other one fainted and fell on his side. A very light thump was almost audible. They were still alive and the parasites kept pulsating. I felt sick and stopped the dream.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Soft little piggy went to the bikini market

It's half way... still needs some blinga bling kaboom ;)

Less than 5 weeks out

Still soft all over the place... I guess that's normal since I'M THE ONE looking at myself ;)
I'll see my bikini today.
It's green. That's about all I remember.

I don't feel bloated or "fat" after yesterdays loading. My weight stayed about the same and I'm energize and calm. The dreams I had were softer than before:
I was in a huge mansion or castle, the tour guide told about the hand painted wallpapers and Persian rugs. Everything was old and dirty, falling apart and romantically ugly. I was touching the beautifully hand painted walls and the tour guide said that the original inhabitants are still here. I asked "in our memories or as ghosts?" Guide:"No, they really still live here. They are very old. More than 300 years, but they stay alive. Here, look." The guide opened a door to a very small room with and old and dusty bed. It looked like a child's room. Some one WAS sleeping in the bed, under the heavy covers. The guide lifted the blankets and we saw him. He looked like a small gray alien but he was covered in old paper or his skin was made out of some kind of gray flaky stuff... His eyes were huge but filled with some kind of glaucoma. He mumbled "hhngh?" and tried to lift his head in a weak way.
The guide covered the original inhabitant and we continued with our tour... I kept wondering if that thing in the bed could live this long if he was taken out of this old dying house...  

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Black rain

All my dreams keep having the same theme: night and rain... last night it rained huge drops, the size of a tennis ball. I kept running so they won't hit me over the head. It's soft water but it comes down so hard that it wakes me up sometimes.
Went to another hotel again, it's not the same where I keep getting stuck in the lift but a really nice one. I was late for something and my luggage kept unpacking itself when I wasn't watching. Eventually I was late for checking out as well and the taxi didn't wait and... blaah. I never knew where we were or why but I do remember that it was important.

Next night I'll keep my luggage to the minimum and try to avoid the lifts ;)

Hopefully I'll see my "dream car" again and have a change to go for a long ride. I really like my SS Camaro. She's a bit different in all her dreams, but she sure can purrrrRRRRR...

I'm loading 500g carbs today so I have BIG expectations about next nights dreams :)

Friday, July 5, 2013


I'm running 3 HIITs a week now.
It's about the only way I wake up... I'm thinking about starting all those other mornings with a yoga session. Maybe it will wake me up as well? I need to get a new CD for that. It won't work if I'm watching the news or listening to the radio at the same time :(
I have a CD with dolphings singing (or what ever). I don't think it'll work. I need something new and "deep".

It takes me almost 2 hours from bed to the office and I only have a 15 min ride by car. Sure, sometimes I forget to cook my meals and I have to make them in the morning but !Hello! I hardly use make up, I wear what I find on the floor and my hair... can I even call it hair when it's just a area of long fur located on the top of my head...

My dreams have been a bunch of commercials of other Better dreams seen in other peoples heads... I guess. It's like a collage of trailers and no links to the ticked office. Mrrr... Maybe my carb loading will fix this bug in my entertainment center?


Kate <3