Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Boats, art and Tuomas Kyrö (again)

I had an art gallery. Full of colourful oil paintings and thin statues. I had made them in my spare time. The gallery was white and you would enter it from the 2nd floor and then walk down a glass staircase while some of the artwork dangled around you. Everything hanged from the ceiling. It was dangerous to move around, some of the support lines were coming loose... I wanted to show Kyrö my art but he kept looking where he was stepping instead of looking at my stuff. Eventually he said :"I don't understand why you keep your stuff hidden in a basement. Some of it might look good if you only let them get some fresh air... and this lip gloss is making me look stupid. Why did you make me put it on?"
He had the reddest and shiniest lips I had ever seen on a man :)
"I'm sorry." I said. "It must be the  climate outside my head. Sometimes reality sneaks into my dreams and shifts things about. "

We left after I had first stumbled into a large pile of broken picture frames and hurt my ankle.

The day was beautiful. Sun, sea and small daybats flying... We got ice cream and walked to the piers to look at the steamboats quietly float by. They were electric. Even the steam was junk mail from the Internet. The blacker the smoke the dirtier the emails...
I kept getting lost on a straight pier. Kyrö rolled his car again and I thought that we were the stupidest people out there. Everyone else was wearing dark lilac clothes and a hat.

I decided to move my art gallery as soon as possible to a brighter place. Somewhere high an sunny; )

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