Thursday, October 17, 2013

Summer hotel in an empty city

Me: "Nice hotel but where's my room?"
Clerk: "You'll find it. Just follow the clues…" ;)
 Me: "Mm-hm." :/

 I walked outside. The weather was perfect for a day at the beach. This small city seemed familiar. I knew I've spent many nights here before.
I saw a gas station on the other side of the road that I often used to fill my coffee cup and get fuel for my motorcycle. It looks like Shell but sometimes it turns into a Teboil after I'm done with my shopping. They have the best maps there: All the roads and cities of my dream world. I just never buy one. I wonder why?

 I walked across the yard and came to the yellow, 3 storeys, stone buildings that had the suites and other hotel rooms in them. The window frames were all handmade and the wood that had been used was some kind of drift wood, really thick and dark. It looked wonderful against the pale yellow plaster.
It was so hot that most of the windows were open to let the air flow in and out of rooms. I had a wooden card in my hand that said "Cyclon 1". A door close to me had the same writing. It looked like a door to the cellar. I walked in.
The floors were cold and made of dark marble. I followed the stairs to the first floor and looked at a windowsill. A card stood there: "Wish for your room and you shall get it." Hmm, this ain't no normal hotel? I stretched my head out of the window to see if there were any other notes on the other side but I found none.
The window was to the inner ward. Almost no wind on that side… the building felt warm and I imagined a big bubble of warm air rising from the middle and lifting everything up: birds, insects, clouds, me… I don't remember finding my room. Instead I went back to the main building and found a restaurant. It had a beautiful view of the sea. I had a salad and a glass of water.

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