Friday, February 7, 2014

... and they all fall down

What do you do when you feel like shit and just need a hug?

Well, if you're alone you can do many things:
(if you're not alone you'll get that hug and every thing's fine... oh yes, even a dog will do.)
- go skiing. X-country is my favorite style, my legs just can't handle the skating style and to be totally honest: it's just too damn economical, you burn more calories when you go "off road and in to the deep"
- have a coffee and watch an Arnold movie. My pick is usually either Predator, Commando, Total recall or True lies :) ...and then you have another coffee and vacuum the whole flat.
- stretch your body and mind... sounds weird but it works. It helps to release "nice" hormones and after a little face massage and a pint or water you'll feel and look a thousand times better :)

Why all this, you're wondering...?
I had a bad breakfast. Felt really sick and my hands shook. Belly cramps and weak knees... I couldn't do shit for a few hours and finally it stopped. I didn't know if (what ever it was) would happen again so I relaxed, did all those things above (not in that order) and let the day unfold :)

As a personal note: if I go skiing it will make my female bits and the bones and muscles and All that stuff feel like they're gonna crack and fall off... Uuhh... Thank goodness I like it slow and steady.

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