Wednesday, February 19, 2014

2 years in prison

Last night I got a call... I had been "driving angry" and smashed in to a Saab somewhere. I don't remember doing this but the verdict was in: 2 years in prison. No vacations, no parole, all women's jail with no family room. Fuck.
This dream was looking like shit, but I kept at it.
I went to the jailhouse with Honey just to see how it would look/feel. The sleeping areas were huge rooms with 30 beds and the prisoners were issued used underwear from the men's prison next door. Crappy underwear with holes in them... Shit.
I hated that place and cried to Honey that I didn't want to come here for 2 YEARS. I told him that I felt like I was dying inside :(

It was already my last day on the outside :(
It was summer time in Finland. Beautiful... and sad. I looked around with tears in my eyes to see the beautiful things in life for the last time... (those 2 years felt like FOREVER)
I cried like hell 'cause I knew they wouldn't allow Honey to see me for 2 years. :(

But Honey looked at me and smiled. He said: "Don't worry babe. I'm right here."
He showed me his phone's GPS and moved the map around so that I could see a house by a field... I knew what it was. He had found us a home. He smiled and told me that it was ours and that we would live there... from now on. Then he put his hand into his pocket and pulled out a ring!
(At this point my FUCKING PHONE rang 'cause it was time to get up!! SHIT. I smashed it and kept going...)
Honey had the ring in his hand and put it in my finger. He showed me how it shined in the sun light and he told me he would never leave me. He loved me with his whole heart and that he was going to fix everything <3

The next day I didn't go to jail. I just DIDN'T.
'Cause the next day I started my life as a wife in a house by a field. I wasn't allowed to leave for 2 years...
I didn't want to leave, ever.

I sat by the window and had a cup of coffee with a piece of chocolate cake as a NH-90 helicopter flew by the house. My new neighbor sat with me and asked why the helicopter would fly so close to This house. I told him that Honey always flies that close when he knows I'm home.


(My phone is fine... just a little bit flatter.)


  1. Täällä yksi ikuinen romantikko huokailee... Enneunienneunienneuni (tietyin soveltuviin osiin, toivottavasti).

  2. Juu, normaalisti en lähde avaamaan näitä unia täällä, mutta tähän täytyy sanoa, että SELKEÄ yhteenveto aivoiltani: likaisen vankilan ja eristyksen ilmentymä tarkoitti Yllätysraskautta ja sen suunnittelemattomuutta, pelkoja tulevasta... Honeyn toiminta ja kaiken ratkeaminen miehen avulla merkitsee toiveita ja tahtoa tehdä asiat yhdessä, suunnitellusti. Tuo "kotiaresti" olikin parasta mitä voisi tapahtua, sillä minut oli otettu vaimoksi ja pysyväksi elämänkumppaniksi. <3
