Friday, June 5, 2015

Not painful enough

I have been listening to a lot of motivational speeches.
I need stuff like that.
I enjoy stuff like that.
I eat it up like cake and I keep asking for more.
Everything Super motivating just tastes like that cake in Pollyanna:

I saw that movie ten times and I always cried at certain parts... it's just so good.

Maybe I do need to listen to those speeches a lot more than the guy next to me but it can't harm me to keep pumping iron with my mind and my gray brain cells. :)
I get energy just from listening. I learn every time something new. I Know their words help me to focus... Eventually it will make a difference. I don't care if I have to listen to them a hundred times. I Feel better after every video. It's like candy and cake... carbs for my brains.

I've been writing letters to people I know as well as to people I've never met. Some of them have answered back and some of them I Know are too busy to ever even notice....

Why am I doing all this you might ask. Why do I reach out and start a conversation with people who don't know me or used to know me as someone else...
Why not.

Good timing is now.
Live now and you might not regret as much later  ;)

But all those speeches... won't I feel bad about not being as motivated and "on my right track" as all of them?

It's not a race.
Well it is a race to a certain degree but I'm the only competitor. So the better I do the better the all time world record will be :)

Enjoy the process. A hard thing for me to remember but an important thing for all of us to keep in mind. Enjoy the trip. Look out side and take pictures. Get lost and find your way. Take more pictures. Remember. Learn. Enjoy.

Love the life you have or change it for the better.

Everything takes time. Sometimes it's good to just sit down and look at the world.

It is not hard.

If you don't feel like it then just fxck it all. Don't givea fxck for a while and you'll reboot. Don't worry.
It's Your world too ;)

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