Tuesday, December 19, 2017

The "RYAN REYNOLDS" abdominal workout for a GRRRREAT sixpack!

Ryan... mmm... I like you.

I can't believe sometimes HOW FREAKING EASY everything really is :D
Last year... I noticed that my abs were giving up on me (I spent most of my days in front of a laptop) and my belly was starting to droop and my glutes were starting to disappear and my guts felt like bamboo and my shoulders just wanted to pop off and run away.... in short: I was in pain from JUST sitting around and WORKING on some stupid s#it that had NOTHING to do with ME FEELING GOOD!
I noticed that my abs were giving up on me (I spent most of my days in front of a laptop) and my belly was starting to droop and my glutes were starting to disappear and my guts felt like bamboo and my shoulders just wanted to pop off and run away.... in short: I was in pain from JUST sitting around and WORKING on some stupid s#it that had NOTHING to do with ME FEELING GOOD! I knew I could change it around if I got up every 20 minutes and walked it off, but I didn't. (Stupid, stupid, stupid!)
I got worse. I got more tired and I just kept adjusting my seat and flexing (very little) and drank more coffee and tried to work HARDER and FASTER to get stuff done quicker so I could leave early. (Never worked. YOU CAN NOT get it all done... there's always MORE on its way)
(Never worked. YOU CAN NOT get it all done... there's always MORE on its way!)
So, in my hour of despair, I was surfing the interweb like I often did when I was looking for information on guns and ammo... and I came across a picture of Deadpool A.K.A. Ryan Reynolds.
"Hmm... he's nice. I wonder if.... OHH!?"
I noticed that as I was looking at his picture...

I sat straight and pulled my belly in and relaxed my shoulders and took a deeper breath and oooohhh... I felt so good :) I felt like I would feel if he walked into the office <3
So from then on, I started acting like THAT when ANYONE came into the office :)
My general well being pretty much skyrocketed just from visualizing Ryan in my office several times a day AND my physical well being took a sharp turn for the Better!
... and I won't even mention the feedback I got from some people just from my super happy excitement when THEY walked in to "disturb" me :D

Hahaa! It's the little things you know :)
It's the little Ryans all over this planet that make us better and stronger every day :)
So from now on, choose your "Ryan" and let him help you get your abs in check. Several times a day ;)

If you feel like letting us know YOUR secrets to tighter abs "the natural way", leave a comment below and share your love :)


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