Saturday, March 29, 2014

Mika is Hack!

I had a short dream about a hack cube and Nyyssölä :)
Yes. I got my dreams back :)
I went to Mika's gym again. He was breathing hard and leaning to the wall by the hack machine... or hack cube should I say.

The hack cube was NOT for little people. It was a huge metal "cage" that had a long lever on one side. You could change the angle of the hack squat by moving the lever... It was NOT easy to move it. Everything weighed like hell. Mika said that that was the way he liked it. He liked the idea of a "truly hard" work out :)

I let him get on with the rest of his leg day but stayed for a while to look around the gym. One of the walls had a huge Japanese picture of a samurai in a storm drawn on it.
The samurai had his sword pulled out and was holding it close to his chest. He grinned at the storm and didn't look like he would ever let the storm (even) push him around.
Mika saw me looking at the work of art and shouted that it was actually hand painted by his friends and that he loved the way it looked old and rusty. I too liked the way it melted in to the rest of the gym and still brought a STRONG feeling to everything... It Gave energy <3
Perfect gym!


Last night I went to a cafe in my last dream. I had two different types of juices, two different types of mineral waters and a looooong piece of french bread with salad and fish... uuuh. I like eating at night. And I especially love waking up to "have some more" <3

Last night wasn't the easiest though... Me and my team had an elevator murderer to kill and there was blood all over the place... Plenty of elevators in my dreams. I don't hate them in real life, or anything. Still there's always a problem with them in my dreams. Usually I'm trying to go Down to the basement or garage to get my car <3

Friday, March 28, 2014

eat it up!

I've been writing down everything that I've eaten or drank this week. I did the same thing earlier this year. I'll keep it up until Saturday night. I'm interested in SEEING what I eat and when.

I'm actually quite surprised to see that almost EVERY day I skip a meal or a snack!
This means that I'm UNDER eating 100-300kcal/day... If I keep this up for the rest of my pregnancy, if I keep skipping meals, I'll be eating my own muscles = Nooo!!!

It has been a GREAT test. I did it especially to SEE how I'm doing. And I still have over a day to go.

I'll use what I've found and learned to modify my diet to make it harder for me to skip meals and easier to find time for snacks! :)

I'm also checking my water intake and I'm VERY happy to see that it is OK.
I've been feeling  quite tired and feeling a bit under the weather so I've even been drinking at night (4-8dl or water).
I've made all my notes in Finnish so I might not post them here but we'll see... I guess I could post at least ONE day :) (I'll pick the best one of course... hihii)

I've got a long week ahead of me again (and an even longer spring) so if I fail... just forget it :)

Gosh, it's time for my "before bed" food!
Omelette time! ;)

Some one's hacked my dreams

For 2 or 3 night now I've been watching someone else's dreams.
I haven't seen myself in the mirror and my family hasn't been there. The cities are all wrong and I'm shorter.
Last night I made the "dream avatar" draw a picture of her self. It didn't look anything like me!

I'm either hacked or then I'm the hacker?

But who's seeing MY dreams? Who the hell is driving around in MY car and having coffee in MY mountain cafes and spending time with Mika Nyyssölä?


I have work tomorrow... again.
I've kept this whole week a slow week at the gym. It's my rest week now so there's nothing to show for it but a cranky feeling :)

I'm walking to work.
It's about 12km from home to work.
Nordic walking all the way :)

On Monday I'm hitting the gym again and since I'm done with my "killing my legs" theme I'll be starting my "pumpkin shoulders" theme <3 Oh yeah... I still have time and I still can build as well as grow.

Gosh, do I want to GROW!

"Stay hungry."
Big Arnold <3

Thursday, March 27, 2014

17 months out

25 weeks preg.

63,9kg :)

getting softer... oh well, I still have time
I'm 9 months away from buying my next competition licence :)

I'm about 17 months away from my next competition :)

We'll see our son in about 3 months <3

I need more muscle!
More food.
Proper rest.

I'm gonna have fun ;D

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Bad rally

We had a rough night.
The first born was sick and kept waking us up every couple of hours.

I had stupid dreams.

Me and honey were in a Peugeot. A rally car. I was driving, he had the maps.
I sucked.
I kept changing the wrong way and at the wrong time, I couldn't reach the pedals too well and we got caught in several hill climbs AND I ended up going the wrong way at one point.

I felt like shit :(
Honey tried to cheer me up but I knew that our car was not going to finish first. We weren't the last couple either :) it could have gone worse ;)

I've actually tried out a Peugeot rally car once! :)
It was just a test drive, but OH BOY was it Fun!!! :D
The acceleration is something you do not find in Normal cars. Not even in the Big engine-American cars that I've tested... oh that little bundle of safety bars sure woke me up... aaahhh. And NO, I did Not fuck up that test drive. I nailed it! <3

Here's something I tried out last night at the gym:

Pumping around with 32kg... some of my last sets for that night.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Posing while pregnant, week 24

So I think my son will forgive me some day...

I do not have a routine or a specific idea of what the *ell I'm doing. I'm mostly just having fun and enjoying the sport <3 when I'm NOT looking in the mirror it gets even WORSE :D
Oh darn, I need a COACH! ;)
Or I should just try to copy others and their routines... 

Never stop practicing, never give up
and always remember to laugh (at yourself) ;)

A dream in a dream

I had a dream in a dream.
Yes, I sleep even when I'm sleeping :)
(I've been VERY tired lately, long days...)
In my dream Anssi 8000 and Maria Stereo had an adventure.

These people are real!
When I woke up (still in my first dream, remember), I had a team make a short film about the dream I had and then I showed it to Anssi and Maria. The dream was very symbolic and some of the actors were a bit fat to play their roles (the guy who played Anssi was very heavy and in the end where he jumps naked in to a pile of snow he wasn't supposed to wreck the camera...) but most of the "movie" worked out just fine. Well, I liked it...

Meanwhile in real life: We went to Anssi's and Maria's gig last Saturday. I've never seen their show before, but I've watched every bit I can find on Youtube :)

I loved it <3
They are both funny and talented and I really love the style they use with their music!
They have a song that always makes me cry... for some reason, unknown to me, it just gets me every time. It makes me very sad:
They are a darling couple <3

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Bad zombies

Zombie dreams again...
I was watching telly and the only program on it was a document about zombies eating zombies.
It was in black and white.

I felt sick. I kept trying to change the channel but the darn TV didn't even turn off... just that program about zombies eating each other... YÄK!

Another dream pushed me to an old house.
It was somewhere in Louisiana... I think the year was something like 1680 or something. I might have seen a news paper or then someone spoke to me. IT was the dead of night. The moon was out and Holy Mama was it BIG. Just like a huge LAMP :D

I just walked around. No zombies. No vampires. Just me, the moon and the empty house of memories <3
I think I loved being there. I think it was my home <3

A nice dream.


I woke up crying... the dream ended when the house disappeared like dust to the wind... weird?

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Woke up "dead" this morning...
My brain woke up, but it forgot to wake up my body so I got to test out that weird feeling (again) where you find yourself paralyzed but still alive. It doesn't take long but it sure is a wacky wake up :)

I might have taken a second for my body to get the "WAKE THE F*** UP!" message from my brain... Oh boy, was I UP after that! :D

Before I went to work I got a fish massage... they ate my feet and then I skipped over to a lady who put some kind of green gel and hot paraffin on them and after a while I had "baby feet".

Hours later (after my work day) I STILL had baby feet <3
... and today: baby feet :)

Love those fishes <3

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Is it Easter already?

I went for a walk today. I wanted to find a good, dry hill where I could start my plyo-season :)

All I found were icy roads and icy hills...

The forest floor sure looks good :)

soft :)

ski track... going away

this looks like it's going to be here for another more month...

I almost had a good walk but most of it went into finding a nice place to wee and then finding the shortest way back home 'cause I had to wee AGAIN! :D

A small bladder and a baby sitting on it is not a great thing.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Tape me up

Taping up feet and hands backs and fingers and things at school today.
Stupid tape hurts like hell. No, not the "ripping the tape off my skin". That's easy. My nails hurt from ripping the strips of tape off the roll of tape. Autz :(

Our son kept waking up every 2 hours. Might be from all this sitting down or then I'm just full of adrenalin 'cause I really don't like playing around with these sport tapes.

We got into kinesio taping as well... I'll buy some for work and home.
I might need them myself next year. Or this summer ;)

23 weeks pregnant in this picture :)

BTW... our kid kept kicking me around for the whole day and night... he was "awake" from about 14:00 to 22:00. 

We watched We're the Millers (loved it!) today.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The curse of Fitness

"You can't have the cake and eat it too."

I made an apple pie tonight. Lots of cinnamon and all that sweet apple stuff and a REAL pie dough and... aah :)

The little bastard tastes like fitness food. :/
It tastes like cardboard, even when I poured vanilla cream on it and got some ice cream from the fridge.

Nothing worked. Nothing helped. So it must be ME. I just can't taste things correctly anymore?
I'm too used to eating "tasteless" stuff...

Maybe I should try it with ketchup next? ;)


I'm still doing dips.
I'm still liking my dips :)

I'm 62,4kg with my gym clothes on so it's a bit more than my usual 55kg... oh, the old days ;)

I wonder how heavy I'll be around August? Or light... Will I be back to 55kg or will I keep some of this weight on to grow more muscle under the fat bits ;)

Mmm, muscles <3

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Muesli dreams

So what happens if I eat some muesli after my "bed time food" just because I'm STILL hungry...

It was a really nice night, clear dark sky, lots of warm lights, a residential area with beautiful high houses, flowers, plants and a cactus in the front of the house that we were planning to buy. A huge penis shaped cactus (1,5m tall). It even looked like it had an extra penis in the bottom half of it and little balls.
Great, we're buying a house from the village pervert...

Honey said that we could cut that thing down if I wasn't happy with it.
We went for a coffee and "some thing sweet but salty" to talk about it. We found a perfect cafe but since I already ate a bag of sweets in the car we settled for a proper meal (lasagna, fresh salad and water) and took the coffee to go.

We came back to the house and now it was ours. All the furniture was in side already. We had weird taste. Stuffed animals, old paintings, fluffy pillows, thick carpets, dark colors and gold... It looked more like a scene from a Sherlock Holmes movie :D

We sat in the library room and smiled at each other. The penis cactus was over the fireplace. It looked like a trophy.

We were going to a party that same night. I heard they would be serving different salads with soft drinks. I think it was a double birthday... We didn't really know these people but we went. It was the fastest party I've been to for a while :)
We had salad at a small bar, we talked with a couple of people and left. When we were leaving a lady ran to me and asked if I had already done MY salads 'cause she had heard that Honey and I were getting married tomorrow.

Me: "Aaa-haa..." (I had no idea)

She told me to just use the same salad bowls and to buy the salad from the same cafe where she had bought it from...
Suddenly I felt SO tired.
Honey had gone already so I got in my car and drove to the near by sand pit.
Drifting... I went drifting and I REALLY let it ROCK :)
I like these dreams... hihihiiii ;)

The 22nd week

The boy keeps kicking... He must be an athlete ;)
He kicked around all last night and this morning...
I woke up around 9:30 this morning, hungry as hell and the boy must have been hungry too :)
Morning weight: 60,2kg.

Basic breakfast and 1 cup of coffee... aah, I LOVE my breakfast (you saw the pic in "The first night feed").

before breakfast, 22 weeks pregnant

later same night, after my work out

Sunday, March 2, 2014

First night feed

Last night I was at the hospital. Our son was sleeping in a small baby bed. My boobs were Huge and starting to hurt. I woke the little boy up by gently rocking him and he ate like crazy...
He was SO small.
Dark hair. Dark eyes. Red skin and little, little fingers <3
I wonder if he'll be like that for real?

Saturday, March 1, 2014

"The mutant"

We all start off as females but some of us have a Y chromosome that makes (some of us) male.
I have a small male in side me :)

He's strong and healthy <3
He's our son <3

The Boy

60kg vs. 40kg

No more...
I have to drop at least 10kg off that bar.
It's just too much for my core muscles to handle.
Oh well, I could just drop the whole exercise off my to-do list :)

There's plenty of other stuff that I can do to keep my body strong.