Saturday, August 16, 2014

A bucket of ice

What will it take to wake some people up...
I wonder if I'll get lazy and take the easy way out sometimes with our son? I wonder if I'll mess with his head too much or too little just because "it's easier to do things quickly than in a teaching/guiding way"... I wonder if I'll be blind to my own mistakes and just run through problems or pass by opportunities while trying to teach him the "hard parts of being a human".

I wonder if I'll teach him how to kill for food through hunting or if I'll teach him about death through hunting... I wonder when he'll get his first knife? I wonder if he'll want to fly like I and his father have done?
Will he be a race driver or a mechanic? Will he like guns or pillows? Will he be a "cat person"?
I wonder if he'll fall in love before he's 7? ...will he move to Japan, join a rock band, get dumped by his girlfriend and find a new love in the sleepless nights of neon lights...

Will he look at this world as a planet in a universe or as a cage inside a fenced zoo?

When will our son find His reason to live? Will he embrace it or let it slip? Will he Love his soulmate or search his whole life and not find her/him...
Will he miss me when I'm gone?

I hope it won't be hard for him to see the reality of life at a very young age.
The Reality:
- the cool parts are often in the little details ;)
- you are never Really alone
- time is not a piece of string
- be ready, it might happen... Anything!
- stay strong and keep up the good work :)
- Love, so fucking what if it hurts sometimes.
- ***

1 comment:

  1. Hyviä ajatuksia. En tiedä, onko lohdullista vai yltiö-surullista, että itse vaan neuvoo lapselle suuntaviivoja elämään, jotta lapsi itse pystyy tekemään vastuullisia päätöksiä vuorollaan. Vaikka haluaisi suojella kaikelta, se on vain mahdottomuus tai karhunpalvelus. Vanhemman osa on vaan rakastaa ihan pirusti oli ne päätökset mitä tahansa. Ihana pieni teillä, tosi murunen.
