Monday, July 7, 2014

The last day with belly...

it's like a BAG?!! Big belly... most of my extra weight is right There... 13kg of it.
I wonder if I'll loose the first 10kg fast or slow? How slow is slow any how... and how fast would fast be? (Baby 3,5kg)
102cm around the belly (I measured it yesterday, bellybutton height)
This morning I was still 69,9kg (after breakfast).

The last day and the last night. Tomorrow morning we are going to the hospital (I'm fine and so is our son) and the whole circus gets started with a few tubes and needles :)

Everything will be fine.
I'll be home by Friday or Saturday. I know kiddo will come home too.

So what happens then?... well, I'll start a new routine and I'll try to incorporate short walks, good food, plenty of water and What ever to our new life as a bigger family. Kiddo will be tired and hungry. I know JUST how he feels (every day) :) 

He'll need plenty of hugs and help. He'll need love and warmth <3 We'll be there for him. Poor little guy. Breathing gas instead of floating around in his own juices ;) 

He's so small but so strong.
He's our son <3

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