Sunday, May 18, 2014

How do I handle bloating

Warm weather, too much sitting around, tired, not enough water, too much salt, not eating clean, not exercising at all, travelling, not sleeping well, no chance to put my legs up (with out killing my knees or lower back)...

So what can I do?

1) don't blame the surroundings and make up excuses.
2) get MORE water and stick to drinking but keep an eye on the clock and the amount of water going in and coming out --> don't just look at the water --> drink it in small amounts and make sure your muscles stay "happy" and your stomach works every day.
3) stretch your body: legs, butt, (calves and ankles too!), back, sides (abs), neck, chest, wrists... everything! Don't just pickle yourself with warm air and sips of water (a sweaty, bloated, puffy faced, pissed off and constipated, tired female is NEVER a good thing. Stretching moves the water around in your body, it's not as good as cardio but it will help with the feeling: "something is very wrong and I can't tell if I'm hungry or not".
4) wear GOOD clothes. Don't wear clothes that make you feel even worse. Don't wear clothes that make it impossible to stretch or sit normally or walk freely etc.
5) wear GOOD shoes. Don't wear shoes that keep falling of if you walk on grass or backwards or do your stretches... Sneakers are good but DON'T let yourself look like a "fat tourist" 'cause you'll only hate yourself (when you see the pics on someone else's facebook) and forget to drink and move and enjoy the weather again ;)
6) smile. It actually helps to keep an open mind and stay focused on the positive parts. I don't hang around very long if someone is all about "Ooh, I'm so bloated... aah, I feel like a whale... Uuh, I'm just so tired, can you sit here with me and not drink water together and just listen to me whine about everything..."
7) keep an eye on your food intake. Others may feel better not eating 'cause it's so hot but YOU need to stay happy and keep your belly working! Don't diet like an idiot and then wonder why you're tired all the time and the trips to the toilet are only giving you a head ache...

stretch where you can, when you can, no excuses!

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