Monday, December 30, 2013

Team M&M

I Love Team M&M.
If you enjoy Finnish = check them out ;)
There's a Gymlog in (this too!) blog post :)

This one (+the Gymlog!) is special... here Mika FAILS... I have the same problem sometimes. My lungs just STOP and it feels bad fos a while 'til I either pass out or get some medicine... (like Mika, I sometimes forget my pipe at home)

To my dream...

It was a good dream. It was a long dream.
And it happened in two stages.
I was at a gym with the boys from Team M&M! MIKA NYYSSÖLÄ and MIKE SIRÉN!

It was a new gym. I hadn't been there before. I went there through an underground parking lot. It took forever to find a spot for my car (a red SS Camaro, oh-yeah). The gym had been built inside an old fallout shelter.
Most of the machines were yellow. The air-conditioning was mostly made out of big pipes and rotating, metal fans. A nice low "hrrrr" filled the air. Many of the machines were "special".
The boys had a leg day but Mika didn't train. He just coached his friend Mike. So Mike was having a leg day x 2! Hahaa. He was SO tired after every REP and SET. The guys tried out some of the weirdest machines I've seen.

I didn't follow them or stalk them… I just happened to be around when they were to the last rep of the set… hihihiii. Mike was destroyed after every set but Mika kept pulling and pushing him and dragging him to the next machine.

About the hamstring-machine they used: it was like a back stretching board (you know the one that flips and you can stretch your back and fill your head with blood at the same time…). Mike would lay on it, Mika strapped him in by his waistline and flipped the board a bit so that Mike would be working on his hammies while lying on his back (head down about 15 degrees) and forcing his legs (one at a time) to bend at the knee. They had already warmed up so they were hitting the BIG irons in every machine...
I know the body positioning sounds weird. Usually you do this by lying on your stomach or by sitting down. But hey, these guys know what they're doing, right?

Well the guys sure seemed to get the better of that machine and after a double set Mike was ready to fall down on the ground and puke… but he didn't. He's a fighter.

I worked on my back and shoulders so I spent some of the time at a different corner of that (huge) gym. I wasn't alone…
some random idiot: Hey girl, what's ya doin'?
Me: Shoulders.
s.r.i: I haven't seen you here before. Can I watch?
Me: No.
s.r.i: You know it's polite to let people stare at you and give you pointers even during your hardest set.
Me: Go fu*k yourself.

This is where I had to stop the dream.
My phone rang and I drove downtown to pick up honey. As soon as I got back I jumped back in bed and looked up the same gym! (I can do this. Remember how I can't shake dreams even when I'm awake. It's a curse and a blessing.)

I found the gym but my favorite team was done… Hö! The good news was that that random idiot had gone to...
I saw Mika by the cardio machines and couldn't help myself. I had to say Hi.
We talked for a bit about their leg day and what they got out of it. Mike was already out and looking for their car. Mika said that the parking lot was cursed and it moved the cars around… I wonder where my SS would be?

Mika jumped on one of the cardio machines to show me how cool they were. At first climbs it looked like your basic elliptic cardio machine but when I looked at it a bit longer I saw that your feet were put into two large "boots". The boots were levitated by two strong, multi-jointed arms that went to the sides of the "running area. The device took the space of 2 normal machines but it did "wonders". Mika put on a pair of glasses (kinda like the 3D glasses at the movies) and started walking slowly. His feet did not touch anything but the machine made it FEEL like he was walking on a sandy beach. He switched the program to a hill side and walked up a narrow path that was tilted and full of small rocks. He even tripped a few times 'til he switched the program again. Cross-country skiing! He skied both the traditional way and the skating style!

OMG! I was amazed at how easily the device could mimic the FEEL of all these sports just by manipulating the way the "boot" moves and "slips" on your foot!
 Mika showed me the hand devices that I could use if I wanted to "really ski my ass off". It was almost like the "boots" but you held them in your hands and you could actually PUSH more speed or use them to slow you down in slow speeds… Holy cardio, I was amazed.

And I'll never forget what Mika looks like when he was skate skiing up a hill and not using the hand devices. He looked like he was trying to kill everything in his way just by throwing his fists around! Bodybuilding is so much fun.

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