Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Earthquake, theatre, comedy club and public showers

(Edit later)
Last couple of nights have been something else than restful...
I've been hanging out at my favorite mall. It has gyms, cafes, theaters, burlesque shops and I see celebrities there ever so often :)

Maybe it is this moving thing or maybe I'm just fat in the head but the mall collapsed on me. 2 of the bottom floors just came crashing down. I barely made it out of there. Imagine running for your life while pieces of concrete and steel fall on you and you know you might not make it... I kept wondering how much it would hurt if I get hit in the head with something the size of my own fist.
It was cool how the glass doors exploded  when I slung myself out of the kneeling building! It was amazing how people didn't even stop their shopping on the higher floors and the rest of the mall's shops just kept going too... (it still had 3 more floors and a basement) I quess no one died?

I sat down for a while... took a long breath and had a smoke. One of those small cigarettes that smell like chocolate. I noticed people around me. They all had small notebooks and some of them mumbled to themselves... One of them asked me for a fitting ending to a short joke of his. I gave him ideas and some of the others started talking to me too. It was fun! They had some great ideas. I wish I could remember them. I bet they would sound stupid now ;)

I didn't feel comfortable going back to the mall so I headed to the local swimming hall. They had a 2 for 1 sale this week: buy a ticket to go swimming and you get to watch a theatre show at the same time! I think they had several different small shows that they rotated during the day. I was hoping for something relaxing like a musical about cowboys or ninjas.
I had to use the toilet before I went in the pool but like always it wasn't that easy... I found the toilets but all of them had a shower integrated into them. I tried several of them but I kept getting blown out of the little toilet with a tornado of hot water before I even had a chance to sit down :/
Stupid dreams...

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