Monday, June 30, 2014

39 weeks and... Still big

hmm... I still have my strength but I don't feel too, too... hmmm... I don't FEEL as strong as I use to. I guess I just need some rest. More than usual :)

Gosh, that balloon is taking up space. I'm just over 70kg in this picture. 

It started out as a back day but I ended up making it a shoulder workout...

What ever. As long as I can still enjoy everything ;)
AND move the BIG weights around ;)


So what's with the long face? You might ask...
I checked my calories again. On a short day (if I sleep late) I'm hardly taking in 1600-1800 kcal :/
That's not good.
That's not good at all.

So I fixed it.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014


the day started out just fine... +15C, a bit wet and cloudy. I wore some of my winter clothes just to be sure that I don't freeze on my walk...

later the same day we got thunder and hailstorms, the temperature dropped under +10C and there I was, standing in the kitchen, still hoping to catch some rays and sleep in the sun before the boy pops out :)

What a weird year :)

It's gay pride week here on this planet... I've been watching programs about gays and their history every night. It's really interesting. I wonder if our son will be gay or bi or something in the middle? He'll definitely go through the phase in his life when some of his friends experiment and some find a new, better life out side "the norm". 

I must remember to keep telling him that "It gets better" if he feels like he is gay and that the world still wants to kill him...

I can't protect him forever :/

But I know he'll be fine <3

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Oh shit

We drove to west Finland ("coast") instead...
I look like shit but hey... It's summer and kiddo has started his "get me out of here!" crazynessss...

We're cooking food under ground again and I'm taking looong naps.


Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Shoulders at home

Well... It works. I Can train like an animal at home. I can get a pump with just some aminos, 1l water bottle (I drank it... It was Not the weight! G.D.Y.) and a banana. Wait... Where's my banana?

I ate it yesterday.
Oh look. An apple :)

I used a gymstick, weights and a rubber band. 

I think I found this on her facebook page but I can't seem to find it today...

Friday, June 13, 2014


Some days I feel tired. Belly hurts, head feels goofy, legs don't carry, arms just hang and I keep dropping things and walking into things...

I had a glutes+calves day... Oh boy, not the easiest work out. Last for this week.

Next week I'm starting my home work outs AND sticking to my long walks :)

Right Now I'm back on the sofa and my belly is full of good food and water <3

So what does the week end look like?
It looks great. We're going "off the grid" and I'll play with an axe for two days.
We'll buy a small lamb and cook it under ground. I can have all the chicken legs I want and although it'll propably rain every day we'll have a blast on the woods ;)

(too tired to check for spelling errors)

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Come rain or shine

I had a bad hair day.
I took me 2 work outs to let go of the darn "hair issue"... I can't do anything (big) to it right now. Next month, maybe, but not soon.
I'll cut some off. Maybe 5-10cm. I need a Real color. Not this "wet sand"... This sucks.

I'm also looking forward to getting my body back. Just 35min ago I was so hungry that I ate double the amount that I was supposed to eat. And Now I'm thirsty like a camel :)

So... So nothing. I got the next hour for myself. I'll just drink water, enjoy the sofa and watch a short movie or the Mythbusters (it's on tv)...

Aah. I can't wait to get our son here --> I can start documenting his and MY growth to a bigger and better person <3

#1 work out: triceps @ Kunto-Mekka, Kuusankoski with Noora Huhtala -->

#2 work out: quads @ Valkealatalo, Valkeala

It's a rainy day. It's not cold but I like to dress warm when it rains :)

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

About my food and some pics

I eat food. I make my own food... cooking I mean, I try to stay away from anything precooked and ready made and all that frozen shit or fast food or what ever you call it...

I have ice-cream when I want it (I seem to want it 3 times a week), and I brought bread back as a gift to my sweet tooth. It's the same as candy to me and since we were in South Africa I've been able to eat ANY kind of bread, even the really dark bread we have here, everywhere.

I'm still sticking to my idea of only eating fruits in the weekend (another candy for my brain), but IF I want a banana after my workout I can have it. :)

I brought all my favorite dairy products back so I'm eating and drinking (per day):
- 100-150g cottage cheese
- 200-400g curd (or "milk pudding")
- 4-5dl milk (in my recovery drink and with coffee --> 0-2 cups per day)
- 2dl yogurt (if I feel like it)
... something like that.

I had a Leg Monday with Samuli Koutajoki at Kuntokeskus K&M
soft like a little elephant :)
12kg of "Boy and accessories" hanging on my body... I wonder if I'll loose ANY of it at the hospital? Maybe some... 

And Why the hell are my boobs still growing?
I'm having a hard time posing my pecs at the gym... 
Number 1: I can't make my chest pop up (from my sternum) like it used to
Number 2: I end up just pushing my boobs together and looking like a pin up girl with wide shoulders

Maybe this "madness" will come to an end after I get my core back?... :D

36 weeks preg...

Kiddo sure loves to run around.
He seems to be more active every week. I wonder if he'll ever stop when he gets out of his "prison"?

I haven't stopped moving either :)
Since I got my ability to walk back I've been going on short walks every other day. 30-50min in the open air feels great <3

Usually I walk to the close by hill and back but sometimes it just seems so much more fun to go up and down 3 times and reflect on last summer... that darn hill. It's still so stupidly steep :D

all pumped up and nearly 69kg... yeah, mostly fat... I know.

...but I also know that I HAVE muscles under there and I'll bring them back SOON :)

Friday, June 6, 2014

9 pm

It's 21:00 and I went for a walk.
The sun is still nice and high... And I Can Walk!!! :)

Just try and hold me back!

I can walk with out my pelvic area dropping off :D
Aah... I'm doing this again tomorrow night <3

Sunday, June 1, 2014

35 weeks and counting

just under 68kg (162cm)
chest + biceps today...

I did some poses too and noticed that once a week is Not enough... but I had fun :)
I got it on tape and I can laugh at it when I Finally come up with a Real routine and start polishing it for the stage ;)

I'm pretty sure I have the music sorted out already <3
We got some baby stuff again. Second hand = good enough and cheaper :) 
I still forget -sometimes- that I'm carrying another human inside me. The belly IS a good reminder, but sometimes it just disappears from my radar. (In the car, in the store, while sleeping...)
I noticed last night -when Trying to do the Right thing and sleep only on my side- that I stop breathing if I'm on my side. Both sides are "deadly". I just can't do it. There's no point in waking up to gasp for air or to sleep in 15min intervals... just to wake up to an empty scream in my mouth :(

So I'll stay on my back. I'll sleep well and the kiddo won't die from my constant Sleep Apnea or what ever this was. 

This "Apnea thing" has never bothered me before. All the other weeks have been OK. I haven't slept on my side much, but this time when I Forced myself to do so, it got TOO weird. 

No need to endanger the boy by Trying to play by the rules.
I'll do thing My way. The Only way ;)