Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Happiness is inspiring

I've been getting all sorts of ideas these days since I'm so happy all the time :)

Ideas for my next businesses and ideas to help other people with their businesses... I've even started a couple of them and they are doing quite well :)

I took a minute last night to Really THINK about my life (yes, it actually only did take just one minute... I'm not very old.) and I felt So Blessed and Happy!
I have Everything I need! I have it All!
Heheee.... gosh. It felt really, really good to see it and believe it.
And yet, I want to explore and expand my "ring of life and love."

And this is all possible for everyone else, too.
There is no "lucky 1%" in the world who get it all. It's actually the "lucky 100%"!
We are all born with the same force within ourselves and it's up to Us, yes you too, to make the decision to Use that God - given talent! ;)

So Have Great Day and Enjoy Your Life.
Since You are the Creator of your own Reality. ❤


How to breathe yourself a killer six pack


Something you might enjoy doing BEFORE breakfast ;)

Saturday, July 16, 2016


I think so much these days that I wear myself out.
I'm so tired some days that I need more than 12h of sleep at night.
I listen to motivational videos and lectures on YouTube... I Think about my life and Why I want the things that I want.
I enjoy every day of my life and I Live every day in Love with my life.

And I'm exhausted. :)

But So Happy.

How... how can this be?

First I THINK.
I choose what I want and why.

Then I Focus on the Good. On All the good I already have. That's all.
Forget about the rest. It's unimportant.

The last thing to do is to relax and allow it to come. All the good. I want good things, I have good things and I want it to stay that way.

So I live in Goodness.
I live like I want to live.


Try it.
It's so gooood.... :D

Friday, July 15, 2016

The corner piece in the puzzle

I woke up last night with a thought in my mind.
"I am the corner piece."

I totally GOT IT.

A corner piece is one of the first pieces people look for when they are starting a puzzle. It is a place in the picture that will lead to the sides as well as the mid bits of the picture they want to build.

I want to build a better world for (just about) everyone.
So in MY life I MUST be the corner piece. The point of all beginning. Me.

It's my life.

So I'll make it huge ;)

Thursday, July 14, 2016


The public gym smells like an abused sock...

I hope Somebody really had a big one today.



Tuesday, July 12, 2016


Since I sold my old bike I've had a constant daydream about getting a new one.
Something old or old looking...
Café racers do the trick.

Beautiful design meets, well, a motorcycle. :)

I can't say much about the rideability but it was never (all) about safety with my first one either.


I like my engines naked.

I'm more an Enjoyment rider than a Gonna ride no matter what -rider.
I don't look for trouble when I'm out on two wheels but sometimes it has found me ;)

This pic of Ryan on a bike in South Africa  (movie set, Safe house) really moves me. I love the change of light and shadow behind him and the relaxed position he's in. The colours are warm and the retro feel of the picture really woke up my imagination today.

I need an engine to ride ;)

Monday, July 11, 2016


Now there's a word that has a nice ring to it.
Maybe you feel the same way or maybe your understanding of the word is different.

Where ever you are in your understanding of Attitude please let it be a positive word in your life :)
Let it rule your days and make a difference in your future life ;)

Begin your day with a good attitude and be grateful for what you have: a new day!
And yes, it's All Yours! ;)

Keep your attitude fresh and happy. Don't let others rain on your beautiful day/life.
They have no business walking over other people's happy moments.

If you get mangled or stomped on Just Get Up! :)
It nothing more but your attitude that eventually lifts you up from just anything.
Be happy where you are now and soon you'll notice that you are happy where ever you want to be ;)

And if you're anything like me: watch Deadpool and go into a trance for weeks :D
Gosh I have to listen to its soundtrack everyday and watch the movie every week <3
(I might have a thing for Ryan, too.)

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Kiddo is on his third

It's been more than 2 years now...
Kiddo is a happy little guy :)

He runs around a lot. ...
Yesterday was his birthday.
He felt hot and tired.

I guess he got something from "work" or whatever??
He seems much better today so we're still having friends and relatives this weekend :)

Friday, July 8, 2016

Flat beginning

I'm still fighting to get back in shape.
I'm doing better than ever but I see a flat back when I look in the mirror.

No worries though. ... got a plan in action already  ;)

Keep following and I might tell ya what I'm up to....

Sunday, July 3, 2016

56kg in pics

I feel hungry all the time.
It's normal. I eat too little  :)

I put eggs back on the menu. And porridge. 
It should help...?

I'm selling my squat rack. I'll get a bigger one. The kind that has a pulley system attached...

Oh my :) 
Oh joy ;)

It's time to get nasty again.

The new man

There's a new man in my life...

I see him now and then. I'm not sure what his name is but he sure looks familiar. 

Last night I wondered if I could find an app that would allow me to see my face as a man. 
I remembered a tv show about women who changed their sex with hormones. I'm sure the "same" could be done with a computer. 

Maybe the man that keeps finding his way into my dreams is actually Me?
Like I said : he sure looks familiar. 

And he seems to love kiddo <3
