Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Know what you want.

...only then you can have what you want :)

I started my list. Some people might call it a bucket list but I call it my "101 goals".

It's nothing easy.
It's BIG.
It scares me and I haven't achieved any of these things before. I might have been close with a lot of them or I've done similar stuff with no real ability to hang on to that dream (like flying or speaking a new language).

I urge all of you to do the same. Write it down and show it to your loved ones.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

What is different

After 3 months in NOLA I feel like a millionaire :)

It's all in the Feeling. 
Choose life. Choose love.
Believe in yourself. 

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Getting closer

The flight back is getting closer so I have to start eating the cupboards empty. ...
It's pancakes and berries (every morning) for this week.... :)

Thursday, March 3, 2016


New Orleans is getting to me.
Or maybe it's the hot sun...

But I think there's somebody else in this apartment. I don't mean kiddo. He's sleeping upstairs alright but some days we come home and one of the ceiling fans might be on. They need to be turned on by hand so it can't be a ...hmmm... elf.

Just now I was standing around in the kitchen reading my work and I could swear someone else was there too.
Behind me.

I need to get my head straight.
There's actually a "brain thing" that can cause a feeling that someone is standing right behind you... freaky :D

This is an old house and it has a lot of wooden parts to it... so it's mostly just the house cracking and creaking and not some .....ghost or elf.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Stop. Begin again.

I threw my fitness goals out the window.

I just felt like it.

But I didn't quit :)

I just freed myself for the rest of the trip. 

I tried GOMAD here and added 15kg to my squats. It felt great to go up and down and up and down with 115kg on my back.

I tried intermitten fasting and I leaned out nicely.

I tried running again and it hasn't even hurt. It felt great. I feel great. 

So why did I dump my goals and start living free?

Because I can. And because that's how I am.

A woman.